My Banff home

Banff home, a closer look

New house-mate!  Originally from Vancouver, but moved to Saskatchewan, and she went to Sweden for exchange last year = had a great time talking about Europe. 🙂 She’ll be working with Banff Lake Louise Tourism Bureau for the summer as well, so we’ll certainly see lots of each other for the next couple of months, even out of the house.

Feels like I’m on exchange again and I’m loving the feeling! Living with British house-mates, learning Swedish phrases, watching episodes from “The Mighty Boosh” (a UK bizarre comedy show) together – sounds like I’m in England! (Imagine doing a Gap Year in the UK…) As we speak, a visiting dad of one of the British girls is sharing with us Belgian chocolate tarts and pistachios. Yum. Had some interesting conversations with the aforementioned dad as well, with topics from Canucks (he’s a Flames fan), Hong Kong, Prague, to immigration in England. Add cashews and white wine to the food sharing by the generous dad. Must have been fun for him to have 6 kids around to take care of. 😀

Sadly, these British house-mates are going to leave at the end of the month, but other international folk may take their place. With any luck, we might have an re-enactment of L’Auberge Espagnole (a must-watch movie for those who are considering, who are going to, who are, or who have came back from studying abroad)! 😉

As requested, here’s a glimpse of my Banff home:

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3 thoughts on “Banff home, a closer look

  1. L’Auberge Espagnole~~ haha~ watched so many times in my french class~ but u are right~ a must-watch movie! 😉
    nice house!! your room is sooooo tidy!! but how come your beds are always so big?? this one together with the beds in your last two apartments in lyon! c’est par hasard ou c’est necessaire grace a ton augmentation de poids?? 😛
    and…where is monsieur cochon?? u didn’t bring him with u?? lol

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